Fashion Revolution Week – we are there!

April 18 – 24, 2022 is Fashion Revolution Week again!

For a more sustainable future in the fashion world, this is an important week. This week, all fashion enthusiasts come together to fight for a just world for people and clothes. Because we cannot and do not want to be responsible for a situation like the one in 2013, when the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh collapsed.

Also this year Fashion Revolution records over 90 participating countries and worldwide actions. Fashion Revolution Germany presents this year CRISIS FASHION: a webshop that shakes up, transforms the methods of fast fashion brands in a contemporary satirical way and thus draws attention to the situation of the seamstresses in the hard hit production countries – including three voices from Bangladesh on the current situation.

In the fake webshop you can supposedly buy a white t-shirt for only 50 cents. As soon as you click on this, however, the store falls apart and reveals the actual message of the campaign, information about the current situation of factory workers, such as in Bangladesh, and shows options for action. Instead of purchasing a t-shirt, they share the opportunity to support an emergency relief fund and other charitable organizations with a donation, helping to combat these inhumane conditions.

The production process is just as important as the final product and so we would like to inform you here about all the things you can actively do in Fashion Revolution Week and why it is important to question the origin of (fashionable) products.

  1. On the crisis.future site, you can send a pre-written email to major fashion brands and actively ask them to act in a future-friendly way.
  2. Together with your friends you can go to a demonstration near you during the period of April 18 – 24.
  3. If you have space and time, you could even host an event in your city.
  4. You can get even more information from Fashion Revolution here.
  5. If you want to learn more about materials, working conditions and safety precautions in the fashion world: Fairwear is an organization that advocates for working people and has created a very understandable video.
  6. To make more people aware of the issue, join our campaign! Post a picture with your homemade JULIANA MARTEJEVS clothes and show the sign “I made my clothes”, which will be included in each of our DIY sets until the end of the Fashion Revolution. You can also download it at the end of this post.
  7. You can read about our 6-step sustainability concept here.

So let’s revolutionize the fashion world together!

I made my clothes

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